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44 Movie Reviews

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The graphics, the plot, the characters, everything was great. Can't wait to see the next chapter.


Nice work

I watched the entire thing, but I was sort of dumbfounded along the way. I was really confused on what was happeneing. Everything was happening too quickly, and the planes were intertwining. It was pretty difficult trying to understand which side was which, and who was attacking who. All I could see was a bomb dropping out of one plane and hitting another. The graphics were pretty good. You did a fantastic job on trying to make the tanks and the airplanes realistic. Next time you create another movie, put a little more time and effort into it and also work on the way you plan on presenting it. Some people have a real difficult time understanding the order in which you presented this movie. Other than that, I loved it. Hope this helped.


Fantastic animation

You did a great on the movie, but what made you want to make a movie involving rabbits killing other rabbits? It looked like you were trying to copy Madness. Anyways, good job on the animation.



What is so great about clay animations? I know it's pretty difficult to create something like that not using your hands, having to move a different piece every scene, but this is boring. I find it very lame and pointless.


Not interesting

I've seen all the Cletus the Fetus episodes, and I quite haven't figured out why they're always standing straight forward and barely ever move around. I also noticed if they do move around, they kind of bob up and down. Other then that, this movie was really not interesting.


You must be new...

To have taken you all this time to make this movie, you must have just began making flash movies. Besides the taking the whole year, I think it's great. I hope to see much more work from you. Congrats on the great work.



I loved how you animated Pico. Having him jumping around, and sort of break dancing shooting his guns. This movie definitely deserves the score which is has gotten. Keep up the excellent work. Just thought I'd say it again, nice animation.



I always wonder where you guys get your ideas from, they're always out of the ordinary and I like that. By the way, the sounds a little messed up at spots. Just thought I'd let you know. Anyways, great great work. Keep 'em coming!



I've been enjoying your work ever since the first one you posted, and it just seems to get better and better. I hope to see a lot more of your movies, and eventually I'll be able to pick up a few pointers from you. Anyways, fantastic work, hope to see more of it.


Tom Seeko @Seeko

Age 35, Male



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